Thursday, December 1, 2011


This is based on a lyric written way back in the early 80's and was originally called The Wraiths of Normandy. I was never happy with it and always wanted to redo it since I liked the subject, but not the end result. I have to thank Stein Bogen for preserving the lyric it was based on. Only one line have survived. It's a tale about what happens when two lovers sneak down to the beaches of Normandy and get caught in the invasion.

Two young lovers found a hideaway
where prying eyes cannot reach
Deep beneath the barb wire skies
making contours in the soft sandy beach

The clouds above, the darkness below
shelters the passion, radiates heat
A touch and a kiss, a momentary bliss
They've come too far, too late to retreat

In the tangled web of war
On the shores of fourty four
Lingering pictures hung like memories
Above the red stained waters of Normandy

Catching the motion the pulse of the wave
The ashes of these times scatters for awhile
Purging despair from the shadows of mourning
Lay to rest the echoes of the innocent child

The wind weeps, as they fall asleep
to blow away their fears
Wrapped in dreams, that soothes and redeems
A wounded world in disrepair


Dawn awakes to a horizen filled with ships
Looming ever closer blocking out the sun
There's a path to freedom paved with the blood of men
Bringing with them cannons and the fury of their guns

Two young lovers, absent any cover
unable to say goodbye
Caught in a hail of fire, shot down by desire
A footnote in the blink of an eye


Friday, November 18, 2011


This is what she told me
I do not exist
Just somebodys memory
drifting in the mist
A thought like tumbleweed
at the mercy of the wind
Someone needs to catch me
so my life can begin

Don't buy a ticket to oblivion
Don't ride your life off the rails
Stick around for another morning
only cowards bail

This is what she told me
I do not belong,
but it is my right
to prove her wrong
Much like a snowflake
I don't make a sound
I will blend into obscurity
once I hit the ground


This is what she told me
I do not conform
To be the captain of humanity
riding out the storm
It's the mind that matters
The fuel for the fight
Keep an eye on the target
Let the bullet take flight


As she slept right there beside me
I sipped from her a glance
I knew I forever would
Recall this circumstance
I knew that I'd protect her
hold her when she cries
And wipe away the teardrops
from the nightmares in her eyes

I gave my heart to Willow when she offered me her smile
Promised me a wonder world for that was just her style
I learned about the darkness, the shadows in her soul,
but she found in me an alchemist who'd spin her dread into gold

I promised I would listen
when her worries fell like snow
To melt away the madness
I hope I'll never know
My arms would be her harbor
where sorrow come to die
To be buried in a paupers past
beneath the restless sky


There's never been a time
when I can claim regrets
For I have always loved her true
from the day we met
We don't live in a castle
We have no dimes to spare,
but all I need is what I have
who keeps me warm all year


Sunday, November 13, 2011


This is a song that was inspired by a dear friend of mine. She provided the inspiration. For that I am eternally grateful. It's basically a song for those who has loved and lost, but not to give up and get back in the ring.

There are days when the universe doesn't make sense
Time is an anchor that moors discontent
Life is a butterfly flapping it's tiny wings
Going nowhere tied to an invisible string
I walk alone down roads made of dust
Searching for ways I can regain my trust
The past is my foe that fills me with fear
But if I get ahead I will no longer care

I know I will love, I will love again
When the sun sets on you at the seasons end
When the dark disappears and the light shine through
We will know, we will know just what to do

You don't choose love, love chooses you
When you least expect it there's a rendezvous
If you build a wall it will be broken down
If you run away you will be found
I've tried my best to stay strong and brave
To fight against what I no longer crave
But love is sly feelings dormant lies
Calling for me I hear it's battle cries


Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Some times it's better not to wake up from a coma, as you will see.

The tubes are feeding me
the fuel that keeps me alive
Hanging by the threads of uncertainty
when I first arrived
I slept for an eternity
before I awoke in my mind
Now I'm searching through the mist of dreams
for a sun that never shines

There are many memories
behind old and creaky doors
Some I never payed a visit
those I could ignore
A few were postcards filled with joy
I would often linger there,
but others left a stain of sadness
in the imprint of a tear

Sometimes I hear voices
Hollow echoes, drifting words
I strain to glean their meaning
to reassemble what I heard
Once my name was spoken
in a hushed and somber tone
Perhaps they thought I listened
think my soul come due it's loan

Much like a restless nomad
I wander through the past
As the director of my own life
some parts I have recast
In the end there is no future
the re-run's growing stale
I wish that they would pull the plug
to oblivion I can sail

A brand new day awakens
my eyes spring open wide
Relief floods through my body
fear starts to subside.
But, I lay upon a gurney
restrained by a leather belt
Did I flee purgatory,
only to end up in hell ?

There is a needle i my arm
two guards looks down at me
Any final words they ask
confession will set you free
Behind a window strangers stare
and suddenly I know
This is my last boarding call
I depart from death row

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Found this buried among my notes, and probably should have stayed that way, but, what the hell. It's surreal and short enough not to be too troubling to read.

I bought my face from a beggar
and kindly he threw in his name
I got two eyes from a blind man,
but he wouldn't give me his pain
I took rage away from a killer
and murdered his innocent sin
I opened the door to my window
Looking out for the serpent within

From the deaf I stole suffering silence
They never knew I came by
I tore the wings off an angel
as he fell from a cloud in the sky
I counted the beats of my rampaging pulse
as death hurried to my heart
Awake I slept where no one wept
and now the world and I are apart

Friday, October 21, 2011

This is an experiment. I start with nothing. I will attempt to assemble a few thoughts. Whatever drifts by in the wind I will use.

Life, life is love. To love is to live. The love you have for your father, mother, son or daughter. There is nothing else. This is what we are here for. Use it, do not abuse it. The intensity you feel for the person you care about. Live in that moment. Treasure those moments. When you lose someone, cherish the time you had with them. Remember, memories are the grandest treasures of them all. You may not appreciate them when they happen, but one day you will look back and think, man I wish I could have that moment back, and you will mourn their passing. You will wish at the time you realised how precious they were, yet how casually you dismissed them. You thought to yourself, there will be more, but there never was. When you experience love, so complete you want to be so close to that person you can never be seperated. That is the feeling you embrace when you die, for nothing will ever surpass it. It's imprint will leave a smile upon your lips as you depart. It is trully sad that we as humans do not realise the sacred bond that binds us together. We'd rather fight than love, disagree rather than agree. Why, it is all so simple. The battles we enact over things that are not important, for what, for ego, for proving we are right. For opinions often meaningless. We are either all right, or all wrong. Pride is often the downfall of humanity. Think, if you are lucky enough to love someone, and they love you back, Immerse yourself in it's comfort, for love is comfort. The knowledge that there is a person that will hold you when you are sad, take away your worries and be your confidant no matter what ails you is priceless. The coward that runs in times of trouble should be shot on principle.
I would trade the rest of my life for one hour of love so intense and complete, there would be nothing left to experience, nothing that would compare. For love is the engine of existence. And nothing else matters, nothing.

Monday, October 17, 2011


I lay naked on the beach
Seagulls pecking at my eyes
I was too dead to care
Driftwood left by the tide
I admit this was a setback
Feeling lost without a pulse
There was no tremor
nor did I convulse
I try hard to remember
As I watch from above
Lingering as if frozen
Exiled from the life I loved
The sand beneath my body
is damp and oddly cold
Yet how do I know this ?
It's a puzzle truth be told
I find myself impatient
Discarded here alone
Won't anyone come searching ?
Before the flesh melts off my bones
I have scattered recollections
of memories dispersed
In my minds debree
lies a senseless universe
I find solace in my anger
against a misty foe
I would cherish retribution,
but against whom I do not know
I count six bullet holes
3 lodged in my head
I weren't dead already
I'd die from poisened led
As I ponder my predicament
for what am I to do ?
A woman walks towards me
across the ocean blue
She seems not in a hurry
Quite leisurely she strolls
The destination most apparent
Upon me her shadow falls
Her feathered touch is gentle
Long fingers stroke my chin
Something tugs and pulls me down
back inside my skin
My heart begins to beat again
It's rythmn I adore,
but my eyeless orbs have left me blind
for I can see no more
I stagger to my feet
to blackness filled with fear
I can breathe at what cost
Into the night I stare
I feel the wind
I hear it's sounds
Forsaking sight
to be around
Yet I am lost
born to despair
The world I owned
has disappeared
What's your name
I ask compelled
She whispers softly
You're without eyes
yet you can see
gaze through the mind
of memories
Take my hand
I'll be your guide
As we return
to the other side
A vibrant sun
with colors bold
it slips beneath
the oceans fold
I find myself
in a womans embrace
Her lips on mine
I savor the taste
It could be love
or simple lust
To pull apart
we'd turn to dust
Clothes are shorn
robbed by the wind
I scarsely care
for I am in
The world lies open
the world lies bare
Our breaths a tangle
of gasping air
We catch the motion
we catch the wave
Take refuge in
what we crave
Passion conquers
carnal doubts
losing out
it beckons quick
The wall will crumble
brick by brick
There we lie
still intertwined
when joy descends
into decline
A shadow looms
a freckled face
A boy it seems
with a melancholie gaze
The gun he holds
points straight at me
There is no redemption
No mercy
I feel every slug
as it pounds my soul
Punishment for the
innocence that I stole
I coveted another
mans wife
and his son
took my only life
The vision fades
the curtains close
as darkness claims
the debth it's owed
I stand abandoned
Immersed in dread
The sounds of comfort
from my veins it bled
I'm bound to walk
this endless trail
As silence mocks
my travails

Friday, October 14, 2011


Here's a poem I wrote for my nephew Aleksander. Just your typical birth and beyond tale.

So here I am
Born to a brand new world
I take a quick peek
To see if I am a boy or a girl
I cannot yet talk
So I have to cry
I do mean no bother
I'm hungry that's why
For nine months I stayed
In a one bedroom flat
Was fed through a tube,
but never got fat
It was dark, it was damp
and I had no tv
When my lease was up
I was finally free
Mom and dad
Well, I got them trained
With my powerful lungs
I think I drive them insane
When I turn on the siren
They run like the wind
My diaper is dirty
There's a rash on my skin
I do make them happy
When I give them a smile
You know after all, they'll
take care of me for awhile
I know they love me
and they always will
So for a few minutes
I will be perfectly still.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Spot the Journey reference in the title. Slightly tweaked. This poem came to me in the middle of the night. Dealing with emotions long supressed. It picked a strange time to surface, but I guess it had to happen eventually.

She said she'd always love me,
but that was never true
Just a moment of insanity
She never could undo
I would stay awake
until night turned into day
Wondering if love is worth
the wages that it pays

She claimed I never listened,
but I heard that well enough
Rembering it forever,
her love though I could not
There's such power in those words
the time in which their spoken
Such a shame it all dissolves
to be beaten, battered, broken

Does anything have meaning
will nothing ever last ?
Why cling to a future
that was abandoned in the past
She left my heart in tatters
tore the stiches, tore the seams
Destroyed most all that matters
every hope and every dream.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


If you ever get a phone call from beyond the grave. Take my advice and don't anwer. It can only end badly as you will see.

Some times when I am alone
She calls me on the telephone
From the other side
Long distance down the road beyond
Where does that line run ?
Where does it hide ?

A smooth talker, laughs a lot
Even though she's dead, she's hot
or so I am told
She begs me for an answer
would I be her necromancer
Bring her back from the cold

She assures me I will love her
when I get to know her
Never mind the smell
She is buried outside town
300 years in the ground
Anchored by a a spell

She claims her name is Heather
I need to come and get her
Hurry please, she pleeds
I dig with urgency and sweat
my muscles ache, but I am not there yet
Yet her love I so need

Suddenly her hand reaches out
There's a faint muffled shout
We share an embrace
There's a moment of bliss
as we fuse in a kiss
Then I remember her face

A few lifetimes ago
when ignorance would glow
Reason we'd forsake
The man I once was
Never needed a just cause
To burn a witch at the stake

Thus now I do recall
As centuries slowly fall
from the lives I've lived
For Heather is the one
once torched by the sun
A deed she'd never forgive

She bided her time
to punish my crime
I now see her charred remains
She rips out my throat
Grins as she gloats
as the blood of my guilt starts to drain



Friday, September 30, 2011

The origin of this song is from the early 80's. Originally it was a lyric about a town in the old west. The only surviving words are the three first lines in the chorus. The rest has been completely re-written. This version is about the veteran gunslinger who's seen it all, being challenged once again. I always liked the opening line in the chorus, but felt it was too short so I forced myself to come up with something to round it out. The song itself is pretty average. It was more for me to finally get this one done. Kinda sounds like something Molly Hatchet would do perhaps, lyrically.

I rode in to a dusty old town
just as the sun was going down
Stepped into the Star saloon'
At the break of the laughing moon
Asked the barkeep to fill my glass
three inches tall so my thirst would pass
Then a man 'bout five foot ten
Walked up to me, here comes trouble again

( I said )
You better stop messin'
or I'll teach you a lesson
Blow you away with my Smith and Wesson
You better start runnin'
or I'll come a'gunnin'
and I will blow you away

I could tell he was fixin' for a fight
Young and brash gonna turn out my lights
Going for the glory, stakin' a claim
Takin' me down for fortune and fame
He locked on to my gaze daring me to draw
His fingers were keen impatience would gnaw
I was sippin' my whiskey it's fire burned hot
As I waited for junior to go for the shot


The silence is stretchin' out the door
The patrons are all flat on the floor
Come on son time to go for your gun
You better be quick or you better run
There's sweat in his eyes, maybe a tear
Hands are shakin' showing his fear
Ain't got the guts, ain't got the stones
( but listen ) up in Boot Hill you won't be alone


This is a poem I wrote years ago. I was probably going through a divorce at the time so that is probably reflected in the downbeat tone of the thing.

I was born
then I died
In between
I laughed and cried
So many things
I should have said
Wilted thoughts
of wasted dread

I had dreams
that faded fast
Into the future
of my past
Things to do
was never done
Moments born
now all gone

And the backbone
of my spine
Turned a deaf ear
to the blind
I wish that I
had taken chances
Just to fuck
with circumstances

But here I am
a wilted rose
Who's final act
is to decompose
We never learn
that life is brief
Fraught with joy
fraught with grief

It will come
it will go
At what point
we never know
So, when you're dead
it's quite too late
to wish that you
had changed your fate

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I had the chorus for this lyric laying around for years before I finally figured out what it was about. Made a few attempts to do something with it, but it just wouldn't happen. The chorus always struck me as something AC DC would have written. This is about what happens when a hired killer tries to eliminate the competition and sparks fly. Now all I gotta do is write some music to it. Sure, easy peasy.

She was a payed assassin
come down from Dc
Someone got a contract,
contract out on me
Standing in my bedroom
Her aim was true and clear
Poised to pull the trigger
A moment she'd revere

Kiss me or kill me
Come dance with me to my grave
You know I mean business,
so let's hook up for Christmas
I promise you I won't behave

Cornered in a foxhole
my fate a foregone deal
The reaper's here to harvest
The paper's signed and sealed
Such a stunning vision
the face of my demise
The last thing I will ever see
are those haunting eyes

Yet there's hesitation
Doubt clutching her mind
The seed of indecision
A feeling not unkind
We share the same profession
soulmates packing heat
A combustible compulsion
two hearts, but one beat


There's a knot in my rainbow
The colors are askew
There's too much yellow
and not enough blue
The fairies are a'fightin'
over the pot of gold
Here comes the rastafarians
Itchin' to get involved
Dreadlocked and loaded
surfin' waves of speed
This won't be pretty
Someone's gonna bleed
Don't mess with the fairies
they ain't got no class
If you turn your back
they'll shoot you in the ass
The rastafariens just
didn't stand a chance
When you arm a fairy
bullets will dance
So now the rainbows gone
and so is the gold,
but you can still smoke the pot
if you know how to roll


Nobody suspected, no body knew
They fell from the skies still hazy blue
Hidden in raindrops translucent foes
Paratroopers from a dimension up above
One by one they exploded against the ground
In every village, city and town
Under siege the world was their prey
Liquid mercenaries will kill without delay

Gathering shape crawling from the soil
Adapting to the human form, it's human coil
In veins of water flows crystal blood
Unleashing waves of surging floods
Choking breaths restricting air
Catching mankind, asleep, unaware
For eighteen nights and eighteen days
Invaders crushed, consumed, erased

There was no fight, no few good men
No battle cry to rise up and defend
A genocide most swift, precise
Until, but only silence lies
Across the earth, a stillness reigns
Life exstinguished, battered, drained
Yet souls survive abandoning their shells
Aimless spirits seeking directions out of hell

Herded towards a gateway past the stars
A rift in reality looming from afar
Into the realm where tyrants are kings
Puppeteers pulling the strings
Masters of malevolence collecting the death of dreams
Slave traders slipping through fracturing seams
Harvesting the essence, every creature's residue
Marauders of the galaxy, conquering frontiers anew

Feeding themselves on the sustenance of minds
Sipping knowledge like connoisseurs of fine wine
Addicted to the thoughts stolen by force
The craving itches for the carnival of wars
The cobblestones bleed while winter fail
to hide the aftermath beneath the widows veil
The tug of the conquest will never subside
Chasing the need where senses collide

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


This is a poem about the forgotten who ends up in the morgue without anyone to identify them.
I make a reference to Potters field, which is where they bury those they cannot attach a name to.

Silence suffers in the bowels of the morgue
It's transients are breathless from decay
A never ending misery permeates their soul
As words were left behind like castaways
Cut down early by the needle or the gun
Misfits of memories in arteries deep
If you shoot it out you will leave a mark
Take a trip or go to sleep

Staring at eternity through blind mens eyes
Where the dark is darker than the futile hope for light
Some are charred, tar fused to their bones
Burnt by desperation succumbing to their hollow plight
If no one cares why even give a damn
Sleeping with anxiety numb by dismay
Suicide Cinderellas seeking their fuel
The courage to finally slip away

Here they lay faces without names
No one stopping by to put in a claim
They bury them deep in Potters field
Wooden boxes stacked high barely sealed
To whom do their memories belong
Those midnight vagrants who died so young
Crumbled dreams slipping through their fingers
To vanish with the wind, no time for them to linger

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I don't know where this came from. It started with one sentence and evolved into a journey trying to figure out what happened. Makes it interesting for me trying to solve the puzzle so to speak. This starts with a grusome discovery and then flashbacks to what led up to it. It sort of circles back to the beginning.

She was killed without any lingering remorse
far beyond the plains of redemption
Six bullets in her body
Seven days past comprehension
The sunrise lost it's luster this morning cold and bleak
When I found her nailed to my apple tree
Sweet angel sleeping in the land of the dead
Dreaming of a life without misery
They used a crooked crowbar to pry her lose
Wayward drops of blood fell to the ground
Crime scene investigators asking questions,
but she never made a sound
The happy harlot Henrietta belonged to the street
Giving her love in many a back seat
At sixteen she had seen it all
Done it in the alleyways and up against bathroom stalls
Turning tricks for kicks a job she enjoy
Young or old, she didn't care she was everybody's toy
But tonight it all went awry
Full moon madness beneath the lunatic sky
Reason unravels, sanity corrodes
Midnight burns it's fuse and the world explodes
Benny the biker with his switchblade knife
High on crack he picks a random life
Poor Henrietta was just in his way
She'd been safe any other day
A chance encounter at the Bayside docks
Another case of rotten damn luck
Wrong time, wrong place
His blade cuts to the chase
Benny's mad with untamed rage
still fighting the war in which he waged
Pulls out a gun, shoots to kill
When the muzzle cease to flash, the night again is still
He has slain the mighty demon, for that is what he believes
Vanquished the beast on this fine summer eve
As crickets serenades he carries her home
Somehow remembering a dusty memory of where he used to roam
A sacrifice for the father from his delusional son
Leaving me my daughter murdered by my gun
Benny's far beyond the curtain or reality's concern
Of his sisters fate he has yet to learn
Peacefully he sleeps under the distant stars
Oblivions blanket concealing his scars
And when he at last awakes
His soul will die, his heart will break
I wish I could still love him, I wish I could forgive,
but I am burning my bridges I don't care if he lives
What remains of my daughter are pictures without frames
Moments precious, captured a past before pain
My son Benny, they'll hang him soon
They put the noose around his neck at noon
There he'll swing, twist and twirl
his death will make this a better world.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Some times when I go through my many notebooks I find discarded poems, that I've given up on or has abandoned for various reasons. Mostly due to a writers block or I think it plain sucks. Some times I come back to it later and try to salvage it. I decided to give this another go and do some re-writes and tweak a bit here and there. This is more of a limerick, and frankly very silly. Bottom line is I simply had to complete something with a name like Old King Moose.

Old king moose
was a big recluse
Who lived in the Kodal woods
He'd sit on a throne
made of pine cones
and bitch that he was misunderstood

He hates his queen
who is ugly and mean
Large like an overfed bear
She'd talk far too long
about everything wrong
How her life was in need of repair

She was seeing a shrink
a skunk with a stink
Who told her to have an affair
Instead of divorce
get it on with a horse
or cozy up to a deer

Old king moose
was guzzling the booze
What a miserable sod he'd become
Drinking his Jack
Smokin' his crack
Taking baths in a whirpool or rum

He'd pull out a gun
for a quick bit of fun
Russian roulette he would play
Squeezin' the trigger
as he did figure
If I die it will brighten my day

But with his luck running poor
He hit the darn door
Too wasted to aim at his head
With a bullet astray
wild on it's way
Killing his butler instead

Old king moose
was tying his shoes
When he tumbled out the bell tower
A long way down
But he landed safe and sound
Before being knocked dead by a meteor shower

The queen took it well
a conniving little Jezebelle
Was so sure she had it made
Put on a ball
Quite lavish and all
She even threw herself a parade

But Old king moose
Don't like to lose
He'd cut her out of his will
He gave every penny
to a beaver named Benny
who hangs out at the local gin mill.

Friday, January 28, 2011


One sumptuous Sunday morning Coral Misty walked into my life
She proclaimed without much ado she was my long lost wife
But I had no earthly recollection of who this woman could be
As I searched the catacombs to my past to solve the mystery
Don't you remember, the night, the beach in June
You said I do indeed beneath the cloudless moon
Then we loved, immersed in waves caress
While I listened to your heart fill it's emptyness

I wish I could recall such episodes of bliss
Where lips entangle softly to erupt in a carnal kiss
Held captive by her eyes what fool would ever leave
Even in sanity's absence I'd be caught in her weave
About memories she talks such wonderous merry tales
Any man would follow Coral on her trails
The life she's lived seems both innocent and sweet
I wish I were a part of that, the tenderness complete

We have a quiet moment then she tilts her head and smiles
Pulls us close together so we can hold each other for awhile
Uncertainty confounds me might I have known her before ?
Did I once abandon her on my mind's hazy rocky shore
I bury these questions in last summers sand
As the contours of her body begins to make demands
Please forgive me for what I am about to do
This feels too right for doubt to seep through

Three weeks later Coral Misty shares my bed
I've begun to love her and that fills me with dread
What if her delusion one day suddenly clears
I'll be the stranger she once seemed to appear
I can't help, but wonder from where she came
Did she torch her past with misery's flame ?
Is there a man she is trying hard to forget ?
Did she travel here on the roads of regrets ?

Some times at night I can hear her cry
I wanted answers, but she begged me not to ask why
She'll sit by the window gazing out at the sea
Then turn around and just look longingly at me
There's so many tears in those emerald eyes
No sufficient comfort I can offer, nothing I can try
Then the shadows of her despair slowly pass and she heals
by the motion of devotion we share how we feel

One Monday morning I startle, my heart begins to race
I pick up the paper, staring back at me is her face
Beside her a man that could have been my twin
Terror digs a shallow grave as understanding's sinking in
The headline reads as follows, newlyweds lost at sea
Search has been disbanded, memorial at three
I see the future shatter into shards of crumbling dreams
I do not belong to Coral, she belongs to someone else it seems

We sailed upon a surface calm, guided by the sun
She stears with utmost certainty towards where it begun
Tiny ripples of remembrance struggles to take hold
From ancient depths memories dormant surges upwards bold
A boat looms frozen in the horizon as if anchored there by time
Bobbing gently in the water, pristine, in it's prime
She seems anxious in a hurry, her husband surely awaits
I'm the boatman, the ferrymaster, here to deliver her to fate

The knot I have untangled the mystery seems clear
Two lovers on their honeymoon drowned and disappeared
But the deck is strangely empty, no one is on board
The only sound is the creaking wood, straining for the fjords
Yet something is familiar, I have a sense of deja vu
Refusing to believe it, it simply cannot be true
I turn to Coral, she grins and nods at me
Yes, you are my husband, forever, that you'll always be

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


If I were the night
I'd dream about the day ?
and wish that I could see the sun
or at least a tiny ray

And what if my whole life
was someone elses dream ?
A castaway of circumstance
a memory unseen

What if I just linger on
in some subconscious state ?
A waiting room of fantasy
in the canvas of my fate

What if I'm a warrior
a ghost from ancient times ?
Or a lighthouse pirate
bringing darkness to the blind

What if I reside
in the outskirts of your mind ?
Perhaps I am the riddle
to the answers you must find