Friday, October 21, 2011

This is an experiment. I start with nothing. I will attempt to assemble a few thoughts. Whatever drifts by in the wind I will use.

Life, life is love. To love is to live. The love you have for your father, mother, son or daughter. There is nothing else. This is what we are here for. Use it, do not abuse it. The intensity you feel for the person you care about. Live in that moment. Treasure those moments. When you lose someone, cherish the time you had with them. Remember, memories are the grandest treasures of them all. You may not appreciate them when they happen, but one day you will look back and think, man I wish I could have that moment back, and you will mourn their passing. You will wish at the time you realised how precious they were, yet how casually you dismissed them. You thought to yourself, there will be more, but there never was. When you experience love, so complete you want to be so close to that person you can never be seperated. That is the feeling you embrace when you die, for nothing will ever surpass it. It's imprint will leave a smile upon your lips as you depart. It is trully sad that we as humans do not realise the sacred bond that binds us together. We'd rather fight than love, disagree rather than agree. Why, it is all so simple. The battles we enact over things that are not important, for what, for ego, for proving we are right. For opinions often meaningless. We are either all right, or all wrong. Pride is often the downfall of humanity. Think, if you are lucky enough to love someone, and they love you back, Immerse yourself in it's comfort, for love is comfort. The knowledge that there is a person that will hold you when you are sad, take away your worries and be your confidant no matter what ails you is priceless. The coward that runs in times of trouble should be shot on principle.
I would trade the rest of my life for one hour of love so intense and complete, there would be nothing left to experience, nothing that would compare. For love is the engine of existence. And nothing else matters, nothing.

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