Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Some times it's better not to wake up from a coma, as you will see.

The tubes are feeding me
the fuel that keeps me alive
Hanging by the threads of uncertainty
when I first arrived
I slept for an eternity
before I awoke in my mind
Now I'm searching through the mist of dreams
for a sun that never shines

There are many memories
behind old and creaky doors
Some I never payed a visit
those I could ignore
A few were postcards filled with joy
I would often linger there,
but others left a stain of sadness
in the imprint of a tear

Sometimes I hear voices
Hollow echoes, drifting words
I strain to glean their meaning
to reassemble what I heard
Once my name was spoken
in a hushed and somber tone
Perhaps they thought I listened
think my soul come due it's loan

Much like a restless nomad
I wander through the past
As the director of my own life
some parts I have recast
In the end there is no future
the re-run's growing stale
I wish that they would pull the plug
to oblivion I can sail

A brand new day awakens
my eyes spring open wide
Relief floods through my body
fear starts to subside.
But, I lay upon a gurney
restrained by a leather belt
Did I flee purgatory,
only to end up in hell ?

There is a needle i my arm
two guards looks down at me
Any final words they ask
confession will set you free
Behind a window strangers stare
and suddenly I know
This is my last boarding call
I depart from death row

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