Thursday, October 13, 2011


Spot the Journey reference in the title. Slightly tweaked. This poem came to me in the middle of the night. Dealing with emotions long supressed. It picked a strange time to surface, but I guess it had to happen eventually.

She said she'd always love me,
but that was never true
Just a moment of insanity
She never could undo
I would stay awake
until night turned into day
Wondering if love is worth
the wages that it pays

She claimed I never listened,
but I heard that well enough
Rembering it forever,
her love though I could not
There's such power in those words
the time in which their spoken
Such a shame it all dissolves
to be beaten, battered, broken

Does anything have meaning
will nothing ever last ?
Why cling to a future
that was abandoned in the past
She left my heart in tatters
tore the stiches, tore the seams
Destroyed most all that matters
every hope and every dream.

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