Monday, October 17, 2011


I lay naked on the beach
Seagulls pecking at my eyes
I was too dead to care
Driftwood left by the tide
I admit this was a setback
Feeling lost without a pulse
There was no tremor
nor did I convulse
I try hard to remember
As I watch from above
Lingering as if frozen
Exiled from the life I loved
The sand beneath my body
is damp and oddly cold
Yet how do I know this ?
It's a puzzle truth be told
I find myself impatient
Discarded here alone
Won't anyone come searching ?
Before the flesh melts off my bones
I have scattered recollections
of memories dispersed
In my minds debree
lies a senseless universe
I find solace in my anger
against a misty foe
I would cherish retribution,
but against whom I do not know
I count six bullet holes
3 lodged in my head
I weren't dead already
I'd die from poisened led
As I ponder my predicament
for what am I to do ?
A woman walks towards me
across the ocean blue
She seems not in a hurry
Quite leisurely she strolls
The destination most apparent
Upon me her shadow falls
Her feathered touch is gentle
Long fingers stroke my chin
Something tugs and pulls me down
back inside my skin
My heart begins to beat again
It's rythmn I adore,
but my eyeless orbs have left me blind
for I can see no more
I stagger to my feet
to blackness filled with fear
I can breathe at what cost
Into the night I stare
I feel the wind
I hear it's sounds
Forsaking sight
to be around
Yet I am lost
born to despair
The world I owned
has disappeared
What's your name
I ask compelled
She whispers softly
You're without eyes
yet you can see
gaze through the mind
of memories
Take my hand
I'll be your guide
As we return
to the other side
A vibrant sun
with colors bold
it slips beneath
the oceans fold
I find myself
in a womans embrace
Her lips on mine
I savor the taste
It could be love
or simple lust
To pull apart
we'd turn to dust
Clothes are shorn
robbed by the wind
I scarsely care
for I am in
The world lies open
the world lies bare
Our breaths a tangle
of gasping air
We catch the motion
we catch the wave
Take refuge in
what we crave
Passion conquers
carnal doubts
losing out
it beckons quick
The wall will crumble
brick by brick
There we lie
still intertwined
when joy descends
into decline
A shadow looms
a freckled face
A boy it seems
with a melancholie gaze
The gun he holds
points straight at me
There is no redemption
No mercy
I feel every slug
as it pounds my soul
Punishment for the
innocence that I stole
I coveted another
mans wife
and his son
took my only life
The vision fades
the curtains close
as darkness claims
the debth it's owed
I stand abandoned
Immersed in dread
The sounds of comfort
from my veins it bled
I'm bound to walk
this endless trail
As silence mocks
my travails

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