Wednesday, February 7, 2007


This pertains to anyone that are uncertain about their loved ones comittment, and who isn't sometimes. These are questions that often remain silent because the fear of the answers.

Will you still love me
now that you know me
now that you know who I am
Will you still hold me
the way you would hold me
now that you do understand

Or will you forsake me
torment and break me
leave me a heart in despair
Do you aim to hurt me
will you try to convert me
so I say just what you want to hear

Or am I an endeavour
halfway to forever
or will we go all the way
Will you fail me in living
in love while forgiving
and only with me will you stay

Can you overlook flaws
that's part of the cause
embrace imperfections in me
Will you pardon my sins
against petulant winds
those days we don't always agree

Will we both grow stronger
to prolong love much longer
and see us through life as one
Will we fight through regrets
and learn not to forget
it was good what we once begun

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