Wednesday, February 7, 2007


This was inspired by the place I used to live in. An apartment building. I thought, what if one of the tenants were a serial killer and used his residence for nefarious deeds. Despite the similarities to a famous, now deceased person, it really isn't about him. More that evil essence I would suggest. This is a story about a boy that starts having these visits from apparitions trying to convey something of the utmost importance. Unfortunately he does not heed their warning and dire consequences ensues.

I hear ripples in the silence
strange confounding sounds
It emanates from up above
and twirls it's way on down

I hear the shadows whisper.
but their words remain unclear
As if they all were torn apart
and drifted through the air

I see there's thirteen faces
so pale and white like snow
They bring a secret so grotesque
they've come to let me know

I gaze into a soulless void
where tears are tossed aside
and death becomes a paradox
where children run to hide

I see a room that's just like this
It's colors dark and red
On the floor beyond decay
are thirteen severed heads

On a hook a boy's been hung
his trembling breath subsides
Blood erupts from empty holes
two sockets without eyes

A ghostly mist departs it's host
at last the pain forsaken
Yet nothing ever will restore
the life that has been taken

From my view these visions fade
while their testament remains
The holocaust of innocence
leaves nothing ever gained

I feel like I've been fast asleep
submerged in hollow dreams
Yet here I am so wide awake
in the world of in-between

And at last I understand
the pictures in my mind
I am the fourteenth of the damned
the one they sought to find

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