Monday, February 19, 2007

I WOKE UP DEAD ( It was downhill from there )

A few years back I used to live in an apartment, and wondered what would happen if you died there and your spirit were confined to this space for all eternity without any opportunity to vacate those premises. It would, I venture, be a rather tedious existence. Then what if a woman moved in and you fell in love with her, but since you are dead it would be a somewhat complicated relationship. Alright if yer gonna nitpick, impossible. The man in the poem however does manage to gain entrance to her dreams and in this alternate reality a seduction unfolds. The only way for them to be together is for her to die. He succeeds in his trickery and she is finally his, but as you will discover, taking someone against their will is never a good idea.
I am not sure I made it clear the woman commits suicide in the poem, so I felt it best to point that out here.

I woke up dead
the day I died
I never spoke
nor did I cry
A quiet heart
belongs to death
I overslept
my final breath

I'm stationed here
inside my room
As I must haunt
this very tomb
I am the eyes
the orb that sees
Forced to observe

Left to stare
at barren walls
Oh such a draft
upon my soul
How I despise
my solitude
Where errant winds
may not intrude

You came to me
in pomp and swoon
To quell my melancholy
depths of gloom
A dormant yearning swell
to roust in me an ache
A ressurected radiance
that I long since did forsake

I would peer on down
from heights of up above
A knight of immortality
denied the rights of love
Lest I can not reach for
what I can not touch
Which is just a little less
of not too very much

So when you sleep
and while you dream
I slip into your
subconscious stream
A thought pursuit
a rendevous
I built a bridge
between me and you

I skulk about
in memories
As I must learn
what I need to be
Who I am
what I'll become
It is the man
to which you belong

As shadows part
we meet at last
Me, the thief
that stole your past
I am the charmer
of cruel deceit
I hide deception
behind words so sweet

Each night I wait
as you descend
Into my arms
anew, again
The dread of dawn
I can't allay
When you awake
I wilt away

I cherish the dim glow
of the vanquished sun
Replenished by the fading light
towards the dark I run
Impatient I do linger
in the archives of your mind
Abiding by compulsion
to sever ties that binds

I surface from a whisper,
but a trickle to a scream
With plans of grand devotion
I justify my scheme
I banish apprehension
for a lovers last crusade
A conqueror of certainty
one does not dissuade

I whisked her out of slumber
her body now a shell
I bargained for a paradise
she thought of it as hell
Apart we are together
her hatred thus confined
She'll be with me forever
always here, but never mine

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