Sunday, February 11, 2007


This is not a new one, just correcting the title of the first poem I posted.
I deals with reincarnation and what might happen if all your previous lives suddenly convene in your mind at once. Boy, I hate when that happens.

When I stare into the mirror
what do I see
So many faces
yet none of them me

With each day passing
I strive to construe
Why each morning I wake
with a face born anew

I canvass the changes
the questions within
As I probe into the depth
of shedding one's skin

Who will I be tomorrow
and who am I today
These strangers passing through
and moulding me like clay

Characters that seem
somehow at one with me
Confined to many distant pasts
kept in captivity

Perhaps I am the gateway
for those I used to be
and at last I will complete
my final odyssey

Through a thousand lives I journey
peering into ancient eyes
A thousand times I die again
to reshape my human guise

Dormant lies the knowledge
from which I must extract
Tiny grains of wisdom
into learned conclusive facts

A multitude of fragments
has fractured my control
I no longer am myself
now I am them all

Eternally the battles fought
for whom will rule the day
I am, but what I've become
the host of disarray

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