Sunday, March 25, 2007


I would like to recommend a book about Ted. It's called SHADOW IN THE RAIN and is written by reporter Harriet Ford. It's a fictionalised account about the case, although anything relating to Ted is true. I know, I was there for most of it. There should be no doubt in anyones mind about his innocence after reading this book. It can be obtained from such internet outlets as Barnes and Nobles, or There were a couple of key factors in the conviction of Ted. One was his bogus confession, ( which the jury heard about, but never read so they did not know how ludicrous it was ) and the other was Ricky suddenly seeing things. His first statement collaborated Teds and Kristas version of the murder, however after talking to the police it was crafted to reflect their theory of the events. Mind you it took quite a few statements to finally arrive at that conclusion. At least 12, but maybe as many as 16. The unknown asassin was now all of a sudden Ted. A fact disputed by Krista. According to Ricky, Ted was walking towards Janet with a gun held straight out in front of him. In another tall tale he is right by her with a gun. Hmm, I wonder who shot at Ted then. He fires his gun up in the air then runs towards Krista as these bullets apparently rains down. What about the bullet in the lamp post. That the work of the gun fairy ? Rickys stories has been picked apart by experts far more knowledgeable about crimes than I am so don't take my word for it. His numerous accounts are all over the place and does not accurately reflect what took place that night. So, you say, why does he claim Ted killed Janet. Well, we know that Ted was urged to finger Ricky as the shooter. We have to assume Krista was under the same sort of pressure. Ricky was, truth be told, afraid to lose his family, so he caved to their wishes and agreed with their theory that Ted killed Janet. It makes it somewhat understandable, though not exusable. The book makes all this clear.
Why did no one listen to Krista ? Because she was deemed unreliable due to this supposed affair she was having with Ted. Ricky was on the stand perjuring himself to hell and back. His story was hogwash. Too bad the jury could not see through what those of us with a brain could.
This is about Ricky, not a very flattering portrayal, but he doesn't deserve one.

Why don't you tell me
why don't you tell me
why don't you tell me my friend
Why you sold me up the river
and twice around the God damn bend

I should have heard the rattle
from the snake in the grass
I should have fought the battle
instead of letting it pass

They called your name
put you on the stand
so we could hear the tales
from the running man
You're dressed up nice
in a suit and tie
Befitting a coward
that can't even look me in the eye

You sealed my fate with a Judas kiss
you aimed the bullet and you did not miss
It's in my back buddy buried deep
gotta ask 'ya how the hell do you sleep ?

Why did you need to rehearse
if what you told was the truth
If you straightened out your lies
you wouldn't be so confused
I listen to the words
from the serpents tongue
To hell with the consequences
from doing me wrong

Remember now my pal
you're in the court of law
You might try telling them
what you actually saw, but
You're a puppet and a fool
a man without a spine
You are the one with a criminal mind

I tried to convey
what I knew to be true,
but they hung me from the gallows
didn't give me my due
With a sigh and a shiver
I rose from the chair
The illusions of justice
don't pretend to be fair

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.