Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Yes, there actually is one lyric called Innocence is no Excuse. I wish I could take credit for coming up with it, but alas that belongs to the British group Saxon who released an album with that particular title. However there were no songs bearing that name so I adopted it for this project. Mainly because I felt it perfectly described what happened to Ted. A few days after the murder of Janet Investigators asked Ted to come down to the police station to give a statement. Unfortunately Ted was under the misconception that he was there to help them with their investigation. Once in a room with detectives he soon realised he had become the number one suspect. Why, well, as best I can ascertain, because he was there. Yup, that's right if you are in close proximity to a murder you become the go to guy. If you knew the victim, the spotlights on you kid. Doesn't matter how inncocent you are. If the facts doesn't stick, they'll crazy glue it on to your forehead and call it a day. Now consider these facts. At the time of the interview Ted hadn't slept for 36 hours. He was still reeling from the loss of his girlfriend and the traumatic residue of grief. He is forced to view close up photos of Janet with a bullet hole in her head. Not even pictures from the autopsy he is spared. He is being screamed at ( Although at the trial investigators claim they never raised their voice. Rather conveniant that there was no video footage or tape recordings of the interrogation ) He is kept there for 14 hours not even allowed to use the bathroom. Who has that kind of a bladder ? There's attempt to have Ted finger Ricky as the killer, but Ted refuses to sell out his buddy to save himself. He knows his friend did not commit the crime so why use him as a scapegoat. Ricky on the other hand, well, we will get to that later. Then Ted makes the biggest mistake of his life. He signs a piece of paper confessing to the murder. Now, I assume you all go, hey he signed he must be guilty. Back in 96 I would have believed that, after educating myself on the matter I have found this is actually a common occurance. Let's examine this confession. This was one of several scenarios dictated to Ted by the investigators. The version he put his name on is so nonsensical it defies belief. According to this statement. Janet was depressed. She pulls out a gun.... and hold it right there. Problem, Janet was terrified of guns. She would never own one, much less carry one in her purse. Ted tries to wrestle the weapon away from her and it goes off resulting in Janets death. How it ended up shooting her in the back of her head must be one of those little mysteries no one seems able to explain. So, why did Ted sign. According to him. They had beaten him down. He was exhausted not thinking clearly and the detectives tell him if he signs he can go home, so that's what he did. And guess what, they let him go. The man they were so convinced were guilty, the man that signed a confession, they just let him walk right out of the police station. Says something about how sure they were now doesn't it ?
The lyric is about the interrogation.

I am in a room so sterile and cold
with naked white walls that subdues and controls
My state of existence is withered and frail
as I try to remember each horrendous detail

There's pictures before me like a mirror of death
in blood curling colors what I'd like to forget
I'm diverting my vision obscuring my view
as oblivion beckons let the numbness ensue

They keep pounding away at my sanity
devoid of compassion or humnanity

They are all un-fazed
while I'm pleeding my case
Impervious they are to the truth
They are bleeding me dry
I keep asking them why
Innocence is no excuse

I'm awake in a dream a bewildering state
where the reality that matters is the one they create
They don't need a killer to get a conviction
they'll just sprinkle the facts with a spoonful of fiction

Logic and reason is not part of this game
when they make me a suspect someone they can frame
A mantlepiece trophy a notch in their belt
for the public believes what they have to tell

Whatever I say they keep twisting my words
constructing pure nonsense beyond the absurd
I battle exhaustion my thoughts grow unclear
the threats, accusations, make it all disappear

They've whittled me down to my bare bones
My spirit's forsaken me I am all alone
I have begged, I have pleeded, I've scratched and I've clawed,
but justice is blind and so is the law

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