Wednesday, March 21, 2007


In a trial the jury enters the proceedings with pre-concieved notions. They are not supposed to, but they do. The defendant is already at an disadvantage simply because he is the man singled out as the most likely culprit of the crime he has been accused of. After all why would prosecutors put on a case if the man is innocent. That hardly makes any sense. Of course the jury is asked in the selection process if they can render a fair and just verdict based on the evidence presented. Fine and dandy if the actual evidence has any bearing on the facts. Unfortunately in this particular case facts seems in short supply and the truth were left out of the courtroom. In an ideal world you are Innocent until proven guilty. However Ted was rendered guilty before the trial even started. No one will admit to that of course because we all want to believe in the justice system. I do not know anyone that has any faith left over after witnessing this spectacle, well, at least not those of us who knows Ted. The only credible witness that night was Krista, she was the one that collaborated Teds account, but since the prosecution alledged there was an affair between Ted and her, the testimony seemed suspect. There was no affair, but in order for the rest of the pieces in the puzzle to fit, one had to be invented. Makes one wonder then why Krista wasn't charged. If she was supposedly covering for Ted would she not be an accessary. I mean for all this to add up, she would have to be and she should have been charged, but she was not, so there goes that theory. It was all another smokescreen to divert our eyes from this flimsy plot holed filled tale they were telling. At one point the proescutors dragged out Janets bloody jacket and wanted Krista to identify it. I am not sure the prosecutor had planned the response they got. Krista started crying as the sight of the jacket greatly upset her. In the scheme of things this seemed rather unnecessary. Part of the plan one surmises to rattle her out of telling what she observed. It worked, she became rather frustrated and angry that she was constantly interrupted while trying to answer. She was even admonished by the judge at one point for her rather terse commentary. I don't know if I can blame her, she said what a lot of us felt. I don't think it helped Ted though, and worse was yet to come. I have described the trial as more or less a circus, hence the title, but it could just as well have been about a stage play, or a movie. The version of Ted we were presented had nothing to do with the real person. It was all trickery, an illusion of truth.
The lyric begins with the chorus, again, no music.. The last verse sort of segues into the next lyric.

Bring on the clowns
bring on the clowns
The circus has come to town
Elephants and acrobats
will dazzle and astound
so bring on the clowns
bring on the clowns

I'm observing the jury
try reading their minds
I hope they're not all
deaf dumb and blind
I listen to their stories
spun from paper thin lies
Where the truth becomes a sidebar
and only perjury survives

Can you believe
how they decieve
with the tricks of the trade
Spinning a yarn
not worth a darn
Planting doubts that will never fade

I yearn for justice
for it shall prevail
A conquest of freedom
from the shakles of jail
Faith in the system
faith in my heart
A man's gotta hope
or it will tear him apart

It's time for my friend
to bargain his soul
Forgiveness forsaken
by what you told
I looked in his eyes
a straight arrow face
Burning the bridges
a traitors disgrace

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