Saturday, March 17, 2007


Considering how many innocent people are in jail at this time, I have to wonder how many criminals have benefitted from that sad fact and are roaming the streets as I write this. Stands to reason that for every man, or woman wrongfully convicted the actual culprit has escaped punishment. Does that make you feel safe ? Yeah, thought not. I have watched enough documentary type crime shows and read enough books on the subject to realise that the system is seriously flawed. What is especially galling is hearing procecutors proclaim that they are certain they have the right person in jail. Even when evidence to the contrary stares them in the face, they will not budge. Let me get this straight, it is more important to preserve the win, because it's all about who wins the case, than guilt or innocence. So I guess anyone will do then ? There have been untold numbers of overturned cases in the last few years thanks to DNA, so I am not making this up. Check it out for yourselves. I don't think we will ever trully know how many lives have been ruined and are rotting away in a jail cell where no one will listen to their pleas of innocence. The most baffling aspect of Teds case is the missing gun. Unless the man is a magician there is only one answer. He did not do it. Let's backtrack, after being shot at by the actual killer he scrambled back into the bar and grill with Krista. He was never out of anyones sight. He could not hide any gun. From the time of the shooting to the time he was surrounded by witnesses was only a matter of minutes. What did he do, swallow it ? Keep in mind that he was searched as was Ricky and Krista. Their cars. The parking lot was gone over with a comb. Even rooftops were examined. Unless I have lost all common sense, I'd say it is impossible to shoot someone without a gun. This seemed to have been deemed unimportant at the trial, but to anyone with a modicum of braincells left it is in fact what proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Ted had nothing to do with Janets death. How some of us could figure this one out and others, who should know better did not defies explanation. Still not convinced. Alright, how about Teds clothes being checked for gun shot residue. None were found. Janet were shot at close range, surely there should be some tiny speck left. Something, anything. No, there you go. To family and friends though we knew what police and prosecutors would never know. We knew Ted, the man, who never exhibited traits that would indicate he would suddenly snap and kill someone. He was non violent, a kind man who would always help if you asked. He was liked by anybody that came in contact with him, and it pisses me off more than anything is to hear his good name sullied by those who did not know him at all. Frankly, you don't know squat.
This is a lyric about a wrong headed system that needs to improve it's methods, because folks, this just ain't good enough by a long shot.

Whatever it takes
the truth we forsake
and the lies won't be too hard to sell
For the public believe
the law won't decieve
such a myth we will never dispell

We have, but one goal
to capture your soul
by any means that need be
We'll twist and we'll turn
so you fry when you burn
we'll make sure you'll never be free

We know there's a chance
by a strange circumstance
that the deed wasn't done by you
But why should we care
we know you were there
and conveniance is the best thing we do

To keep us on track
we discard all the facts
we'll build this big house out of air
Construct a foundation
disperse trepidation
and conquer our suspects with fear

The rules that we bend
means gotcha my friend
it's all about winning you know
Believe our tales
and we got you nailed
while we put on one helluva show

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