Wednesday, March 28, 2007


After Ted was convicted he was held in a jail cell down town. He was to stay there until he was transfered to a prison somewhere in Illinois. I used to take his brother Mick to see him every Friday. We'd hang around waiting for visiting hours to roll around. It was a cold dreary place. Some times we heard similar stories from relatives of other inmates who also felt their loved ones had been wrongully convicted. Whether there were merits to their claims I do not know. After Teds ordeal I am inclined to keep an open mind about such things. The cynic in me wants to say that once in awhile they actually do put people in jail that deserve to be there. The most unfortunate observation one can make about the justice system is that it is far easier to put an innocent man in jail than it is go get him back out. There seems to be few outlets for such an contingency. Once you are behind bars they tend to consider your case open and shut, no matter how many mistakes were made or how many inconsistencies mars the final outcome. Prosecutors will vehemently denie any wrong doing in the face of contrary evidence. Thankfully if DNA evidence is available their claims are often disproven. So how much can we trust their belief in the defendants guilt ? More importantly why do they persist they are a 100 percent certain the right man has been convicted, when the most ignorant of sceptics can see the flaws.
I don't really understand how some people blatantly ignore the obvious and convinces themselves what they do are the right thing when clearly it is not. How do they sleep at night ?
By the way the opening line in this lyric is meant to be a play on words, I refer to the afterlife as Teds life as he knows it is over, and he might feel he has indeed died. I don't think he really feels that way, at least I hope not. This takes place shortly after his conviction.

I lay about in the afterlife
glaring at the walls
Where shadows form in unity
then blend into my soul
The hourglass is forever full
with filtered desert sand
The strength of which has haltered time
and left me where I stand

I harbour thoughts I re-arrange
the fate of my life I try to change

On the other side of solitude
I strive to find my peace
For one brief gleam of hope I yearn
that this pain one day will cease

I catch the sun a certain way
to drink from it's delights
The restful dark a blanket firm
that comforts me at night
I wish the rain upon my face
and winds that pierce my mind
I need to feel and touch and see
what I was forced to leave behind

Each morning claims a memory
etched into this dusty floor
And what once was will never be
the way it was before
I cannot atone for my innocence
or confess imagined guilt
Nor wipe away the agony
from my worn down broken will

Sunday, March 25, 2007


I would like to recommend a book about Ted. It's called SHADOW IN THE RAIN and is written by reporter Harriet Ford. It's a fictionalised account about the case, although anything relating to Ted is true. I know, I was there for most of it. There should be no doubt in anyones mind about his innocence after reading this book. It can be obtained from such internet outlets as Barnes and Nobles, or There were a couple of key factors in the conviction of Ted. One was his bogus confession, ( which the jury heard about, but never read so they did not know how ludicrous it was ) and the other was Ricky suddenly seeing things. His first statement collaborated Teds and Kristas version of the murder, however after talking to the police it was crafted to reflect their theory of the events. Mind you it took quite a few statements to finally arrive at that conclusion. At least 12, but maybe as many as 16. The unknown asassin was now all of a sudden Ted. A fact disputed by Krista. According to Ricky, Ted was walking towards Janet with a gun held straight out in front of him. In another tall tale he is right by her with a gun. Hmm, I wonder who shot at Ted then. He fires his gun up in the air then runs towards Krista as these bullets apparently rains down. What about the bullet in the lamp post. That the work of the gun fairy ? Rickys stories has been picked apart by experts far more knowledgeable about crimes than I am so don't take my word for it. His numerous accounts are all over the place and does not accurately reflect what took place that night. So, you say, why does he claim Ted killed Janet. Well, we know that Ted was urged to finger Ricky as the shooter. We have to assume Krista was under the same sort of pressure. Ricky was, truth be told, afraid to lose his family, so he caved to their wishes and agreed with their theory that Ted killed Janet. It makes it somewhat understandable, though not exusable. The book makes all this clear.
Why did no one listen to Krista ? Because she was deemed unreliable due to this supposed affair she was having with Ted. Ricky was on the stand perjuring himself to hell and back. His story was hogwash. Too bad the jury could not see through what those of us with a brain could.
This is about Ricky, not a very flattering portrayal, but he doesn't deserve one.

Why don't you tell me
why don't you tell me
why don't you tell me my friend
Why you sold me up the river
and twice around the God damn bend

I should have heard the rattle
from the snake in the grass
I should have fought the battle
instead of letting it pass

They called your name
put you on the stand
so we could hear the tales
from the running man
You're dressed up nice
in a suit and tie
Befitting a coward
that can't even look me in the eye

You sealed my fate with a Judas kiss
you aimed the bullet and you did not miss
It's in my back buddy buried deep
gotta ask 'ya how the hell do you sleep ?

Why did you need to rehearse
if what you told was the truth
If you straightened out your lies
you wouldn't be so confused
I listen to the words
from the serpents tongue
To hell with the consequences
from doing me wrong

Remember now my pal
you're in the court of law
You might try telling them
what you actually saw, but
You're a puppet and a fool
a man without a spine
You are the one with a criminal mind

I tried to convey
what I knew to be true,
but they hung me from the gallows
didn't give me my due
With a sigh and a shiver
I rose from the chair
The illusions of justice
don't pretend to be fair

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


In a trial the jury enters the proceedings with pre-concieved notions. They are not supposed to, but they do. The defendant is already at an disadvantage simply because he is the man singled out as the most likely culprit of the crime he has been accused of. After all why would prosecutors put on a case if the man is innocent. That hardly makes any sense. Of course the jury is asked in the selection process if they can render a fair and just verdict based on the evidence presented. Fine and dandy if the actual evidence has any bearing on the facts. Unfortunately in this particular case facts seems in short supply and the truth were left out of the courtroom. In an ideal world you are Innocent until proven guilty. However Ted was rendered guilty before the trial even started. No one will admit to that of course because we all want to believe in the justice system. I do not know anyone that has any faith left over after witnessing this spectacle, well, at least not those of us who knows Ted. The only credible witness that night was Krista, she was the one that collaborated Teds account, but since the prosecution alledged there was an affair between Ted and her, the testimony seemed suspect. There was no affair, but in order for the rest of the pieces in the puzzle to fit, one had to be invented. Makes one wonder then why Krista wasn't charged. If she was supposedly covering for Ted would she not be an accessary. I mean for all this to add up, she would have to be and she should have been charged, but she was not, so there goes that theory. It was all another smokescreen to divert our eyes from this flimsy plot holed filled tale they were telling. At one point the proescutors dragged out Janets bloody jacket and wanted Krista to identify it. I am not sure the prosecutor had planned the response they got. Krista started crying as the sight of the jacket greatly upset her. In the scheme of things this seemed rather unnecessary. Part of the plan one surmises to rattle her out of telling what she observed. It worked, she became rather frustrated and angry that she was constantly interrupted while trying to answer. She was even admonished by the judge at one point for her rather terse commentary. I don't know if I can blame her, she said what a lot of us felt. I don't think it helped Ted though, and worse was yet to come. I have described the trial as more or less a circus, hence the title, but it could just as well have been about a stage play, or a movie. The version of Ted we were presented had nothing to do with the real person. It was all trickery, an illusion of truth.
The lyric begins with the chorus, again, no music.. The last verse sort of segues into the next lyric.

Bring on the clowns
bring on the clowns
The circus has come to town
Elephants and acrobats
will dazzle and astound
so bring on the clowns
bring on the clowns

I'm observing the jury
try reading their minds
I hope they're not all
deaf dumb and blind
I listen to their stories
spun from paper thin lies
Where the truth becomes a sidebar
and only perjury survives

Can you believe
how they decieve
with the tricks of the trade
Spinning a yarn
not worth a darn
Planting doubts that will never fade

I yearn for justice
for it shall prevail
A conquest of freedom
from the shakles of jail
Faith in the system
faith in my heart
A man's gotta hope
or it will tear him apart

It's time for my friend
to bargain his soul
Forgiveness forsaken
by what you told
I looked in his eyes
a straight arrow face
Burning the bridges
a traitors disgrace

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Considering how many innocent people are in jail at this time, I have to wonder how many criminals have benefitted from that sad fact and are roaming the streets as I write this. Stands to reason that for every man, or woman wrongfully convicted the actual culprit has escaped punishment. Does that make you feel safe ? Yeah, thought not. I have watched enough documentary type crime shows and read enough books on the subject to realise that the system is seriously flawed. What is especially galling is hearing procecutors proclaim that they are certain they have the right person in jail. Even when evidence to the contrary stares them in the face, they will not budge. Let me get this straight, it is more important to preserve the win, because it's all about who wins the case, than guilt or innocence. So I guess anyone will do then ? There have been untold numbers of overturned cases in the last few years thanks to DNA, so I am not making this up. Check it out for yourselves. I don't think we will ever trully know how many lives have been ruined and are rotting away in a jail cell where no one will listen to their pleas of innocence. The most baffling aspect of Teds case is the missing gun. Unless the man is a magician there is only one answer. He did not do it. Let's backtrack, after being shot at by the actual killer he scrambled back into the bar and grill with Krista. He was never out of anyones sight. He could not hide any gun. From the time of the shooting to the time he was surrounded by witnesses was only a matter of minutes. What did he do, swallow it ? Keep in mind that he was searched as was Ricky and Krista. Their cars. The parking lot was gone over with a comb. Even rooftops were examined. Unless I have lost all common sense, I'd say it is impossible to shoot someone without a gun. This seemed to have been deemed unimportant at the trial, but to anyone with a modicum of braincells left it is in fact what proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Ted had nothing to do with Janets death. How some of us could figure this one out and others, who should know better did not defies explanation. Still not convinced. Alright, how about Teds clothes being checked for gun shot residue. None were found. Janet were shot at close range, surely there should be some tiny speck left. Something, anything. No, there you go. To family and friends though we knew what police and prosecutors would never know. We knew Ted, the man, who never exhibited traits that would indicate he would suddenly snap and kill someone. He was non violent, a kind man who would always help if you asked. He was liked by anybody that came in contact with him, and it pisses me off more than anything is to hear his good name sullied by those who did not know him at all. Frankly, you don't know squat.
This is a lyric about a wrong headed system that needs to improve it's methods, because folks, this just ain't good enough by a long shot.

Whatever it takes
the truth we forsake
and the lies won't be too hard to sell
For the public believe
the law won't decieve
such a myth we will never dispell

We have, but one goal
to capture your soul
by any means that need be
We'll twist and we'll turn
so you fry when you burn
we'll make sure you'll never be free

We know there's a chance
by a strange circumstance
that the deed wasn't done by you
But why should we care
we know you were there
and conveniance is the best thing we do

To keep us on track
we discard all the facts
we'll build this big house out of air
Construct a foundation
disperse trepidation
and conquer our suspects with fear

The rules that we bend
means gotcha my friend
it's all about winning you know
Believe our tales
and we got you nailed
while we put on one helluva show

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Yes, there actually is one lyric called Innocence is no Excuse. I wish I could take credit for coming up with it, but alas that belongs to the British group Saxon who released an album with that particular title. However there were no songs bearing that name so I adopted it for this project. Mainly because I felt it perfectly described what happened to Ted. A few days after the murder of Janet Investigators asked Ted to come down to the police station to give a statement. Unfortunately Ted was under the misconception that he was there to help them with their investigation. Once in a room with detectives he soon realised he had become the number one suspect. Why, well, as best I can ascertain, because he was there. Yup, that's right if you are in close proximity to a murder you become the go to guy. If you knew the victim, the spotlights on you kid. Doesn't matter how inncocent you are. If the facts doesn't stick, they'll crazy glue it on to your forehead and call it a day. Now consider these facts. At the time of the interview Ted hadn't slept for 36 hours. He was still reeling from the loss of his girlfriend and the traumatic residue of grief. He is forced to view close up photos of Janet with a bullet hole in her head. Not even pictures from the autopsy he is spared. He is being screamed at ( Although at the trial investigators claim they never raised their voice. Rather conveniant that there was no video footage or tape recordings of the interrogation ) He is kept there for 14 hours not even allowed to use the bathroom. Who has that kind of a bladder ? There's attempt to have Ted finger Ricky as the killer, but Ted refuses to sell out his buddy to save himself. He knows his friend did not commit the crime so why use him as a scapegoat. Ricky on the other hand, well, we will get to that later. Then Ted makes the biggest mistake of his life. He signs a piece of paper confessing to the murder. Now, I assume you all go, hey he signed he must be guilty. Back in 96 I would have believed that, after educating myself on the matter I have found this is actually a common occurance. Let's examine this confession. This was one of several scenarios dictated to Ted by the investigators. The version he put his name on is so nonsensical it defies belief. According to this statement. Janet was depressed. She pulls out a gun.... and hold it right there. Problem, Janet was terrified of guns. She would never own one, much less carry one in her purse. Ted tries to wrestle the weapon away from her and it goes off resulting in Janets death. How it ended up shooting her in the back of her head must be one of those little mysteries no one seems able to explain. So, why did Ted sign. According to him. They had beaten him down. He was exhausted not thinking clearly and the detectives tell him if he signs he can go home, so that's what he did. And guess what, they let him go. The man they were so convinced were guilty, the man that signed a confession, they just let him walk right out of the police station. Says something about how sure they were now doesn't it ?
The lyric is about the interrogation.

I am in a room so sterile and cold
with naked white walls that subdues and controls
My state of existence is withered and frail
as I try to remember each horrendous detail

There's pictures before me like a mirror of death
in blood curling colors what I'd like to forget
I'm diverting my vision obscuring my view
as oblivion beckons let the numbness ensue

They keep pounding away at my sanity
devoid of compassion or humnanity

They are all un-fazed
while I'm pleeding my case
Impervious they are to the truth
They are bleeding me dry
I keep asking them why
Innocence is no excuse

I'm awake in a dream a bewildering state
where the reality that matters is the one they create
They don't need a killer to get a conviction
they'll just sprinkle the facts with a spoonful of fiction

Logic and reason is not part of this game
when they make me a suspect someone they can frame
A mantlepiece trophy a notch in their belt
for the public believes what they have to tell

Whatever I say they keep twisting my words
constructing pure nonsense beyond the absurd
I battle exhaustion my thoughts grow unclear
the threats, accusations, make it all disappear

They've whittled me down to my bare bones
My spirit's forsaken me I am all alone
I have begged, I have pleeded, I've scratched and I've clawed,
but justice is blind and so is the law

Sunday, March 11, 2007


The last time I saw Janet was Thanksgiving 96. Family and friends were gathered for a day of good food and good company. Laughter would echo off the walls. We were all in high spirits enjoying ourselves. Nothing portending the events that later unfolded. On the day of the murder Ted and Janet had been out shopping for a Christmas tree that they later spent several hours decorating. Janet had moved into her own place after living with Ted for several years. It was not a huge source of contention as prosecutors would later hint at at the trial. The simple fact was that Janet wanted a child and Ted did not. He was not about to cross the threshold of 50 and begin raising another son or daughter. She was still in her late 20's and probably felt her biological clock ticking. Despite this disagreement their bond remained strong and they continued to see each other on a regular basis. Another theory prosecutors hoisted up the mast for all to see was their idea that Ted and Krista had an affair. News to the the rest of us, but why would we know. Honestly, this was too ridiculous for words. I thought that Janet should have a say in all this, especially since she is the one person who can't. She may have expressed herself differently from what I imagined. Considering someone just took your life, I venture rage would have more accurately described her feelings in the matter. However I have chosen to let her reflect on the situation. The final four lines is a bit of an editorial on my behalf and may sit uncomfortably with the rest of the lyric, but I have left it in. I do fear though I may be right..

You stole my life and erased my future
carved my soul with melted led
I never knew that it was over
until I saw myself lie dead

I had dreams that's now forsaken
I had hopes now gone awry
and in my world of quiet silence
I will always ponder why

A winter night of bleak composure
foreshadows darkness calls out despair
The streetlights glow in crimson carnage
gleaming off one blood stained tear

Yesterday was my last tomorrow
the shelter for my aching sorrow
A harbour safe and lost in time
with the memories I left behind

I stand amongst you and watch the madness
spy myself there on the ground
A pale forever is cast upon me
and I speak without a single sound

I would like to linger longer
perhaps stay another while
Cry for those who'll come to mourn me
and for the ghost of my unborn child

The symphony of suffering
will not console the damned
and some day some one else
will die before this man

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


After the murder Ted remained at the scene. When a policeman approached him he was overcome with emotions. The officer tried to calm him down, but this elicited only a frantic response that ultimately landed him the back of a squad car. He was only released after a minister arrived and demanded that Ted be let out. When it became time to inform Janets mother Ted insisted that she should be the one to tell her. He went in and broke the devastating news. For a brief moment they were all on the same side, and consoled each other. This was later to change as charges were brought forth against Ted.
The second lyric deals with the final goodbye and Teds subsequent spiral into misery. I have taken liberties in my portrayal, but smatterings of truth still lingers. Most of these words are written from Teds point of view, and obviously I cannot even begin to comprehend what he went through. I hope I never will.

I kissed your lips
I touched your hair
I walked away
into the void of despair

I saw the blood
I saw the gun
and such misery
from which I couldn't run

I don't want to remember,
but I can't seem to forget
The tapestry of memories
in fragmented silhouettes
Hell must be a better place than this

There is guilt
there is fear
and such agony
that will never disappear

The taste of terror
the scent of dread
The turmoil intertwined
with the chaos in my head

I've descended the trail
to the maze in my mind
I fumble in darkness
where the light never shine

I've lost you my darling
and I wish I knew why
I always thought I'd be
the first one to die

Monday, March 5, 2007


In December of 1996 Ted, Janet, Krista and Ted's friend Ricky left a bar and grill establishment in Loves Park, Illinois. Ted walked Janet over to her car where they exchanged a few words. Ted then heads towards his own car. He hasn't taken many steps before he hears a gasp and then a shot. He turns around to find Janet on the ground and a man holding a gun standing over her. He notices Ted and fires at him. Ted scrambles to get back to safety and on the way manages to pull Krista down behind her car. By the time all the commotion is over the gunman has vanished and Janet is dead. This was the start of a nightmare that Ted still relives to this day. He would later be accused of the crime and ultimately tried and sentenced for it. There was only one small problem. He didn't do it. Here is where I picked up pen and paper again and started writing. I was there through the aftermath and the endless sessions trying to come to grips with what had happened. Who was the real killer, why did it this senseless slaughter take place. Many sleepless nights were spent mulling over these questions, yet they yielded nothing, but more questions. So far I have written 10 lyrics about the case and the persons involved with it. These were meant as songs, but there is no music to them. A lot of what you will read in them are true, these things did happen. There is of course instances where I evoke the right to speculate. Some facts are based on what came out in the trial and some are based on what came out privately from family members and friends. I will attemt to inform you of what we went through. There will be information previously only known to a select few. The first lyric is from the killers perspective. Obviously I do not know his thoughts or motives so a lot of leeway I granted myself. Whether he was actually nervous in anticipation of the murder is anyone's guess. There seems to have been a bounty of suspects in that parking lot that night, yet apparently none were deemed worthy of an investigation. One of many was questioned by two security guards as he was observed wandering around outside the bar for several hours and when asked he told them it was none of their fucking business. Was that the killer. Or how about the man stopped by police, barefoot no less ( in the middle of the winter ) who asked if he was pulled over so they could ask him about the murder that no one knew about at the time, except for those at the scene. He was also rather close to the bar and grill. How about the convicted killer that happened to have a car sitting at this very lot. Yet, at the end of the day what do we end up with. Ted... Go figure.
The chorus is pretty simple and I figured the music would be tough and rocking hard, fitting the subject matter.

He's watching
he's waiting
patrolling the lot
fiering the shot
He's anxious
he's nervous
the moment is near
It's no turning back now
no surrender to fear

Remember, remember
The devil in December
The devil in December

He's ignoring discomfort
for a chance to succeed
The frostbitten wind
the chill of the deed
Caressing his gun
love how it feels
The shape of destruction
the death force of steel

It's long after midnight
and voices emerge
Adrenaline pulsates
an incredible surge
He locates the car now
preparing to kill
Enshrouded in in shadows
consumed by the thrill

He listens in silence
to her final farewell
On guilt and conscience
he refuses to dwell
He rises behind her
she startles and turns
In cold blood he shoots
regrets no concern

He bolts for the alley
he ducks out of sight
He'll vanish forever
in the cold winter night

Thursday, March 1, 2007


I you haven't read part one yet I suggest you do that otherwise part two will make even less sense than it already does. I suppose the question will arise how someone already dead can be killed again, as pertaining to the first half of this poem. This stems from the belief system that there are different planes in the afterlife and I thought why not use that. So in this particular world of mine, if you are murdered you drop down another level of existence. I don't really elaborate on that in the poem. In part two the husband is brought back to life and is accused of killing the man who strangled his wife as well as his wife. In order to return to the great beyond he confesses to a crime he did not commit. All he wants is the needle. The poem picks up with him in jail.

There's no consolation in the wait
just agony prolonged
A man that wants to die, but quick
he'll curse a heart that's strong
Beat, beat, beat that blasted pump
is there not an end
Each mocking tick continuous on
again, again, again

They threw a trial on my behalf,
but I did not even care
I want my due so I confessed
no matter how unfair
Yet years dragged on so very slow
I begged for my demise
Do not withhold a promise made
the right I have to die

My grave is dug I volunteer
to shear these earthly ties
Flutter away like wayward dust
a perfect suicide
Still it seems that I am bound
by contradictive means
They set the time and booked a room
so sanitized and clean

At last the day is here
my lips has drawn a smile
Supress me not such frightful joy
I'll run the final mile
The needle sharp invades my skin
It's death without delay
I plunge into a soothing calm
my life just drips away

In the cavernous city of devourering lights
Nocturnal delinquints come harvest your spite
They pillage perversions they prey on deceit
Feast on the bones of the old, obsolete
Clustered in carnage they drink from themselves
Recycling evil from a deep human well
In the ghastly glare of their vacant eyes
One would do best to step swifly aside

I flee through the twirl of a pallid dank smoke
mystical fires unfurls with furious strokes
Burrowing plumes in a crimson embrace
Smouldering meadows swaying ablaze
Atop the horizen rests a quiescent moon
on which craters conceal multiple tombs
In petrified slumber the weary convene
Forever unconscious they languish in dreams

I traipse across the bridge of sparrows
A feathery pathway, endless and narrow
Upwards, onwards, climbing the wave
A transient traveller, unbound by the grave
There's mountains of moisture so transparent and grand
with a lingering lustre, the ripples of man
Where phantoms of fury in liquid constraints
lays encased in water red rocks of rain

Something lurks beyond the sea of denial
where empty orbs traverse an endless isle
A featureless forever enslaved into mourning
cleansing while weaving into a new aborning
Rupturing their rapture such a pitiful past
Rebuilding reflections in fog shrouded glass
Feeble hands are reaching for an impossible salvation
Relinquished by life a tumultuous abdication

I scavenge the valley of whispering winds
dissecting it's secrets from realms within
Unveiling the matrix the map to my mind
Into remnant dawn I build memories out of time
There's shelter in knowing ones fate
A conviction once found will never abate
There's those that doubt and those who believe
strength is an anchor a burden relieved

In serenity's harbour a ship lays aground
spectre's marooned in a bleak coastal town
A pervading despondance, a long dormant dread
perils that beckons from which they once fled
Ashen with anguish these castaway few
sense approaching forboding to late to undo
Huddled together under dark scarlet skies
They strive to feign courage whilst terror looms nigh

Soon they're upon us these murderous ghouls
once mortal slayers the beyond they now rule
The life after life yields and omnious earth
death is not a sanctuary that leaves you un-hurt
They come at us with cleavers, with swords and with knives
They slit, they cut, they tear and they slice
The blood of the spirit is spattered and spewed
until all is extinguished not a sound would intrude

Thus here at last lies the vast third plane
and altering existence exempt from grieving pain
Quell my disillusions, I feel now she's quite near
I wonder if she's waiting still for me to re-appear
Into tranquility I dive, into the lake of souls
Amongst the dead I glide, unburdened by the cold
I peruse each hollow face for features I will know
Examine all and everything, above, beneath below

In shallow pools I do detect a luminous allure
A gleaming glow of distant lights opalescent and pure
Upon me soon my destiny unfettered and devine
Through the maze of misery my quest is well defined
In opaque silhouette a familiar shape I recognise
If I were air I'd suffocate within myself I'd die
I behold at journeys end my darling wife Celeste
I cling to her with all my might, two lovers layed to rest