Monday, April 2, 2007


It is interesting to note that a man is often judged on his behaviour and demeanour. Whether this actually has any bearing on his guilt is often irrellevant yet from societys perspective it carries much weight. One of the many aspects of Teds case that condemned him. It was brought out at the trial and paraded in front of the jury as the gospel. Surely no innocent man would display such inapropriate emotions in regards to what had happened. It is no secret that police seems to work from set guidelines of how a suspect should conduct himself. If you deviate from them you are branded suspicious. I believe that is refered to as tunnel vision. We are all individuals that react to trauma differently. Everybody resorts to their own coping mechanism. To deem someone a killer simply because he does not conform to these sets of guidelines are nothing short of madness. Yet time and time again in courtrooms across the country this is trotted out as surfire proof that a man is guilty as sin. What are these guidelines ? If you cry you better bring out the tears. Do not smile in any shape or form. You must remember everything that happened, if you do not you must be making it up. Never mind the fact that the mind tend to erase traumatic events to alevitate the pain. Not everything is black or white, there are shades of grey in any acts of crime, yet police often slavishly follow the book as if that is the only reasonable thing to do. This lyric has really nothing to do with that specific topic, but I felt it necessary to voice that opinion. Why do you chose to believe in illusions are about those people who knew Ted yet when the chips were down they turned their back and believed in the lies that were spread about him, when they should have trusted the man, not the propaganda. About one person in particular who I will not name.

I thought you knew me better,
but you don't know me at all
Trusting in false prophets
that want to see me fall

You will listen to strangers
and turn your back on me
Close your eyes to common sense
and embrace your apathy

Why do you choose to believe in illusions
and worship in a temple of lies
You should be coming to obvious conclusions
yet the truth just keep slipping you by

The abyss of your despondance
creates a muddled view
Paints a fractured portrait
that let's you misconstrue

Look below the surface
behind the curtains of your mind
Lift the veil of pre-conception
and read between the hollow lines

Imprisoned by your foolish rage
and burning up with cancer
There's many questions to be asked
you need to know the anwers

Your brand of justice
is born out of hate
A searing hot fire
that will never abate

It seethes deep inside you
a rush through your veins
You can never extinguish
such sorrowful pain

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