Wednesday, April 4, 2007


This is last lyric I wrote about Ted and his tribulations. While the previous posts were penned much closer to the actual events, the last one was done quite recently. Over the years it became harder to find something new to say about the case. My hope is to write one more dealing with his exoneration and subsequent release, but only time will tell if I ever have the chance. A good title would be Freedom. A final tidbit bares mentioning. Not long after the murder Teds mother died. His sister inherited her home from her siblings. For almost a year Ted would work until 5 pm, go home for a quick supper and come over to renovate his childhood home. Working most days until 9 - 10 pm. On weekends he would work all day. That's the Ted I know, not the killer he was portrayed by those who jumped through hoops to come to the wrong conclusions.
Lipservice Merchants is about those who promised to stand by his side when the going got tough, then fell by the wayside as time slipped by. The moral of this tale is this. Should you ever find yourself in close proximity of a crime, and if you know the person involved. When police calls you in for a informal talk. No matter how innocent you are, bring a lawyer. Under the right circumstances you will be the one in the spotlight. One of those unwritten rules are, if you ask for an attorney you must be guilty. Well, mark my words and remember Ted. Next time it could be you.

Where are they now
my comrades my friends
Who promised to fight
with me til the end
Who stood by my side
so cocky and sure
Said, we got your back
and walked out the door

Damn all the lipservice merchants
applying the trade of deceit
Who threw down your weapons, raised the white flag
and surrendered yourself to defeat

Damn all the lipservice merchants
selling me fools gold
Not staying the course for the cause anymore
leaving me out in the cold

Where have you gone
where do you hide
away from the fact
that all of you lied
What I have left
are mountains of time
To think and reflect
the guilt is on your dime

Who can I trust
does anyone care
Who still remembers
I'm rotting in here
Existence is futile
if hope's lead astray
Words fuels my courage
and ease my dismay

I shout from the pulpit
I rage and I roar
A lion indignant
of injustice endured
Those who are with me
I honor your faith
Innocence surely
will open these gates

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