Wednesday, May 16, 2007


This I count as a failed experiment. I was trying to write a poem that doesn't rhyme. Since it's the only one, ever you can tell I did not take to that idea. I thought it would free me up, but instead I felt restricted in what I wanted to say. Not very happy with it, as I don't think I delved deep enough into this subject matter. The title is something I had laying around for ages. Never knew what it meant. Truth be told it's probably my favorite title. One day if finally occured to me what it should be about. It's a struggle between a husband and wife. He is dying of cancer and wants her to kill him to put him out of his misery. She on the other hand refuses because she loves him and wants him around as long as possible. The poem is supposed to be an conversation they have, arguing for different view points. I like the idea, I just think I failed miserably in the execution. Well, you be the judge.

Adrift in a sea of pain
afloat in a mist of tears
Ever so slowly I fade away
I am dying my love
Death is taunting me
prolonging the agony
Relish in my suffering
refusing relief
Kill me before I die

I look at you
with such helpless eyes
I know what you've become
a remnant of what you once were
Such a greyish pale I've never seen
Repelling any glimmer of life,
but what is left
is better than the barren loss of love

I am so cold
with winter in my veins
Every drop of me meliting away
Dripping like an icicle
There's fury within me
as I question your choice
If you love me still
cast aside these doubts
and kill me before I die

How can I grant your wish
and rob me of you
A selfish act I do admit
clinging to the past
When your misery ends
mine will begin
I just want you here a little longer
I just want to hold on to forever for awhile

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