Sunday, May 27, 2007


What if the planet we live on was sold and someone else tried to run it, would it make a difference ? Here's the answer. I tried to write this as straight forward as possible. Not much in the way of flowery poetry here. I've tried to juxtapose serious issues with irreverence. ( at least I hope that's what I accomplished ) You will notice a shift in style halfway through this poem, not sure how that happened, but I do that sometimes.

I bought the planet earth today
it was going pretty cheap
Broken down and boarded up
ready for the scrap heap
I bought it from a dude named Bob
He had a long white beard
Shook my hand and wished me luck
as he brushed away a tear

He said:
" I thought it was a grand idea
the project I began
It seems that I forgot about
the independency of man
I gave them all a place to roam
a will to call their own
Now the world has been infected
with evil overgrown "

" No one believes in miracles
they've turned their back on me
So I depart, abandon hope
There's nothing left to see "
Then Bob takes pen to paper
and signs the sacred deed
" Now it is your problem son
you deal with their wanton needs "

He stands there for a moment
looks me in the eyes
" One last thing I have to say
Goodbye sweet earth, goodbye

He hops a cloud and blows away
across the skies as bright as day
I send my crew down to inspect
to measure mankinds interlect
Can I save their tarnished souls,
thaw the hearts long since cold
Can redemption still be found
buried under hallowed ground ?

But when I read those grim reports
I know to what I must resort
Since people feast on strife and war
I'll give them what they most adore
Armageddon beyond compare
annihilation everywhere
Set their spirits free at last
Demolition, what a blast

Everything will revert
to when everything was dust and dirt
Don't blame me, it's not my call
The path you chose caused your fall
Now silence sleeps on this earth
We begin anew, a new rebirth
I have great plans I start from scratch
With a man and a woman a perfect match

I won't interfere, hush be still
It's going to work this time I know it will
I gave them a paradise a great view of the sea,
but what is that snake doing in the apple tree ?

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