Wednesday, June 20, 2007


This is what happens when you meet someone and you both are dead. Trust me that really complicates matters. Dating is obviously not easy when none of you need to eat. When one is granted a new life, and the other not, man what are one to do. I am sure many has wondered about that and wonder no more for here is the answer.

We met briefly on the astral plane
under combustible clouds and sorrowful rain
Her eyes were blue with a hint of green
her soul were held in high esteem
She was going up I was going down
Oh how I'd love to stick around
Just yesterday I had it all
living large yes living tall
When fate came crashing through my door
a 57 Buick knocked me to the floor
My head lodged in the shattered grille
for all I know it's in there still
So here I am awaiting trial
where indiscretions are kept on file
Records read and scrutinized
They even tabulate your every lie
It's too late to feign regrets
They'll deem you guilty if you sweat
The judge and jury faces grim
I dear say my chances dim
They have reviewed the lives I've led
and determined I should stay dead
There's no redemtion in my heart
me and life should stay apart
Where I am I should remain
forever wait on the astral plane,
but hang on I have a plan
I am in love you understand
The girl I met under troubled skies
just reborn I hear her cries
How sweetly she calls to me
Where she is I need to be
Seeds of subterfuge takes hold
find a child merge my soul
Must be clever not be seen
They'll stop me cold crush my dream
A birth in progress I'll catch a ride
I just brush this soul aside
Take his place and live again
Through the tunnel around the bend
A skip and a jump I'm back in the world
Oh dear me I've been born a girl
Seems in my rush I neglected to see
that my Bobby Brown was Linda Lee
Now I'm off to search and hope like hell
that my chosen bride likes girls as well

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